New Podcast and Academic Book Available!

How is possible that the last time I blogged was May 9? Time does fly! I’m now mostly settled in South Bend, Indiana, and lots of things have been happening personally, but I’m here to tell you about two book-related things:

  1. I was just recently interviewed by New Books Network about America’s Forgotten Suffragists. I think Jane and I could have talked for several more hours. It was so much fun! Take a listen.
  2. My chapter on Guinevere–“The Ethics of Writing Guinevere in Modern Historical Fiction”– in Ethics in Arthurian Legend was published earlier this month. It’s pretty expensive because it is an academic book, but you can purchase it from the publisher or you can get it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and likely other places as well.

I also owe you guys several Fearless Females posts and a year-late newsletter (haven’t subscribed? you can do so at the top of any page on this site). I’ll get those to you over the next few days.

I’m also working on early research for my next biography, a proposal for a historical novel, and a draft of a historical novel. More to come on those.