Camelot’s Queen Named Best Second Book and Wins Gold in Fantasy

It’s public now, so I can officially announce that Camelot’s Queen was named Best Second Novel at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and won the Gold Medal in the Fantasy category, just as Daughter of Destiny did last year!

After my debut novel being named Book of the Year by Chanticleer Reviews, I didn’t think I would ever see another accolade like that. But for Camelot’s Queen, which is my favorite book I’ve written, to be acknowledged as a second book means the world to me! Wheee!!!


8 thoughts on “Camelot’s Queen Named Best Second Book and Wins Gold in Fantasy

  1. The wonderful news keeps coming, and deservedly so. Congratulations! By the way, I just finished reading Been Searching for You, and enjoyed it. Will post a review soon. I’m currently reading Camelot’s Queen and it’s keeping me up late reading. Great job!

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