Working with Professional Editors and Beta Readers

editingA few weeks ago, I was asked by the St. Louis Writer’s Guild to teach a workshop on “Querying, and getting an Agent.” So I decided to turn my presentation into a series of blog posts for everyone who couldn’t attend. (Before you non-writers run away screaming, take a second to consider this your backstage pass into what goes into getting your favorite books published. Okay, now you can hit delete if you want.)

In case you just want the Cliff’s Notes version, here’s the handout that I gave to all attendees.

Are You Ready to Query?
Finishing your manuscript is a huge deal, something most people never accomplish and you should be proud. Make sure to celebrate!

Once you’ve done all your self-editing, and maybe had your mom, spouse and/or a few friends read it, you’re ready to submit it to agents, right? Maybe not. It’s a tough call. You may not know for sure until you’ve sent out a few query letters and seen what the response is. I queried my first book too soon. I thought it was as good as I could make it, so I hit a list of agents of my favorite authors. I got a few nibbles here and there, but no major enthusiasm.

Working with a Professional Editor
This made me step back and take a hard look at my book. I realized I needed experienced help if I was going to make it better. I really didn’t want to spend the money on a professional editor, but I did. I wanted to make sure I was working with a real professional, someone legitimate, so I went through Writer’s Digest Second Draft Critique service. (They are only one of many, many options. Do some research and you’ll find many more reputable people/companies.) They match you based on genre. I was matched with historical romance writer Terri Valentine. I learned more from her than I could have in any class. And using my own manuscript as a textbook made it personal and much easier to understand than a generic example.

Some editors offer only content editing, which is the big picture stuff like suggestions on plot, pacing, continuity, character development, chapter breaks, etc. Others offer line editing, which goes into the little things like spelling, grammar, and proper dialogue formatting (which I still have problems with). I chose to do both, which meant an extra fee. That’s totally up to you.

A good editor will tell you where you need to change things and possibly give a suggestion for how, but will leave the writing up to you. So while he or she will point out areas for improvement, you’ll still be the one doing the work. Have no fear that it won’t end up as your product. You are free to agree or disagree as you see fit.

Beta Readers/Critique Partners
An alternative to a professional editor is to work with critique partners or beta readers. I consider beta readers and critique partners pretty much the same thing. Some people make the distinction that critique partners tend to be other writers, and so focus more strongly on the craft of writing, whereas beta readers are non-writer people who give you gut feedback.

No matter how you define it, I recommend a mix of writers and other people so that you get feedback from both the mindset of the writer and the typical reader. Because I work in marketing, I know a lot of writers, so that was easy for me. But if you’re wondering where to look, try members of professional writing organizations you’re a part of, a writer’s group or even people you trust from social media. I usually have about five to seven people read and comment on my books before they go to my agent. I always make sure at least one is an excellent proofreader (that would be you, Nancy!) to catch those errant typos that somehow manage to multiply in the editing process no matter how many people read the book.

What do kind of feedback do you ask them for? That’s really up to you. But I always ask for general impressions of the book, if there were any places they stumbled on or didn’t make sense, if they caught any inconsistencies, who their favorite/least favorite characters were and what scene(s) stuck with them. Chances are good you’ll know specific chapters/scenes that may be weak or have a piece of writing that you’re not entirely happy with. Ask them about it. This is your chance to get an honest opinion on anything that doesn’t sit right with you. I also find it’s great at revealing information that I thought made it into the book, but was really only in my head. That’s something you can’t catch without outside help.

I’ve also been a beta reader for other people, which has taught me a lot. I’ve gotten to see different writing styles, pick up tips from others and pass on the ones I’ve learned. Plus, who doesn’t want to be the very first person other than the author to read a new book?

Whichever route you choose, getting professional feedback before you query is great practice for working with agents and editors, because no matter how good your story is, you’ll have to make several rounds of changes before publication. It helps you to get over the fear/hatred of critiques. When I got my first round of edits back from Terri, I sobbed. Seriously. But I took a few days to think about what she said and realized she was right. I would recommend doing that with any feedback you get. Then get to work and make the edits. If it makes the story better, it’s worth putting in the time for.

What about you? Have you used a professional editor, critique partners or beta readers? What’s your experience been like? What tips do you have? What questions do you have?

7 thoughts on “Working with Professional Editors and Beta Readers

  1. Yep, done it all and recommend it all. It’s good to use non-writer readers because anything they notice is probably a glaring problem to an agent or editor. Non-writer readers are much more forgiving so it’s good to get their perspective. CPs are fantastic because they are almost as good as a professional editor (and depending on the CP as good as). Plus they understand how it’s your baby and typically point out the flaws and leave the fixing up to you.

    Professional editors are great because you can learn a lot from them. Your writing will improve tremendously if you’re open to it. But it can be costly. However, I think if anyone is considering the self-pub route a professional editor is a MUST. Your success may very well depend on this.

    Speaking from my own experience, my advice would be after a first draft go over it yourself and clean it up as much as possible. Then give it to friends and family you trust if you are still a little soft-skinned. After fixing their feedback, find a friend you know will be honest, maybe even brutally honest and let them have at it. Like Nicole said, you’re free to ignore suggestions, but every suggestion should go through at least some consideration before tossing them out or applying them. Take your book to writer’s groups and conferences. Find good writing friends to critique for you and do the same for them.

    Actually critiquing other people’s stuff really helps your own writing and makes you a better self-editor. After you’ve exhausted all the honest friends you have, only then do you take it to a professional editor. Get your money’s worth out of it. And even if you don’t go to a pro, make sure you’ve had your novel scrutinized by as many people as you can before you even think about querying it. Agents are busy people who will reject a newb manuscript more often than not. A polished one is more likely to grab their attention.

    Okay, and I should stop now before this comment gets any longer. 😉 Great post, obviously got me thinking! 🙂

  2. Thanks for a very timely entry – my novel is currently being read by a few different people while I am drafting my synopsis and query. I like your feedback questions; there are a couple that I had not considered so I will have to borrow them 🙂

  3. Thanks for this! My plan is to clean up my MS, give it to beta readers and then use that same Writers Digest service. This is the first blog post I’ve found that actually describes someone’s experience with the service. I know it’s expensive and it’s great to hear that you found it helpful!

    • Hi IW,

      That sounds like a great plan! I loved working with Second Draft and would use them again in a heartbeat if I needed to. I really value the relationship I formed with my editor, so I think it was worth every penny. Best of luck to you. May you have quick success!

  4. Pingback: Getting “The Call” and Working with an Agent | Through the Mists of Time

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