Big News: I Have an Agent!

My new agent, Jen

My new agent, Jen

You may have noticed I missed my normal Monday blog this week. That’s because there were big book things afoot and now I can talk about them. Please help me welcome Jen Karsbaek from Larsen Pomada Literary Agents (the web site hasn’t been updated, so she’s not listed yet). I’m her first client. I am so excited to be working with her to get Guinevere’s story out to all of you.

I got “the call” around 8:35 p.m. last night. She and fellow agent Pam van Hylckama Vlieg were on the phone. We talked a little bit and then Jen made me the offer. I didn’t really have to think. I knew it was meant to be. I signed the contract this morning and that made it official.

If I had any doubts (which I didn’t), they were assuaged when Jen tweeted this today, “Trying to take a break from @nicoleevelina‘s manuscript so I can look at it again w fresh eyes, but sort of just want to return to her world.” It is so wonderful to have someone who loves my world as much as I do and is excited to find out what happens next!

Next up is another round of revisions, and after that, I’m not really sure, but Jen is there to help me through it all. I’m excited to keep you guys up to date as things progress!

Signing my contract!

Signing my contract!

21 thoughts on “Big News: I Have an Agent!

  1. Congratulations, Nicole! I know how exciting this must be for you. Best wishes for all your book’s success. I can’t wait to read the published edition of the book when the time comes – soon I hope.

  2. Pingback: Devourer of Books » Sunday Salon – 1-20-13 - Devourer of Books

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