Site icon Nicole Evelina – USA Today Bestselling Author

Introducing Everyday Luxury – A New Side Project

Just as man can’t live by bread alone, nor can an author live by writing books alone.

Last summer I started a new lifestyle website/blog called Everyday Luxury that I’d like to introduce you today. I was hoping to have every category seeded with a few blog posts before launching it, but my time as been limited and if I don’t share it with the world now, I fear I never will!

What is Everyday Luxury?
Everyday Luxury a blog where I share tips on living and elegant life on a budget. Posts live right now:

I define the concept of Everyday Luxury as elegance that is lived in. You can make your home or your life into a museum or a magazine spread, but how realistic is that? I’m all about authenticity. If you have children or pets, your house is not going to be photo-ready most of the time; if you have a busy schedule you’re style is not going to be on point all of the time. And if you’re on a budget, you’re not going to be able to have all the luxury items in Vouge or Travel and Leisure. And that is totally okay. You can still live a luxurious life.

This site is for real people with real budgets. I am not a model or an influencer, nor do I care to be. I’m not rich, nor am I pretending to be. I’m middle class, but I’ve always had dreams of grandeur. Instead of waiting for the dreamed of day that I am rich, I decided to incorporate luxury into my life to the extent of my ability. It takes some hard work (sometimes literally when you are DIY), creative thinking, and positive visualization, but it can be done.

Why am I doing this?
Everyday Luxury came about as part of my quest to manifest the life I truly wanted rather than settle for what I felt I could have. The lessons learned came quickly, so I thought, “Why not share them with others?”

When I turned 40 (I’m 41 now), I felt myself changing again. (We all live multiple lifetimes in one. In my life I’ve been a wanna-be nun, a groupie, a theatre geek, totally lost, a career communicator and a bestselling author.) The change really had nothing to do with the number, but more with where I am in life, mentally and in my career. COVID-19 and a sudden long-term work from home situation galvanized me to improve my home since I was there all the time. When I was thinking about the style I was going for, the phrase “everyday luxury” came to me. That bled over into the rest of my life because I suddenly realized who I really was and I wanted everything to reflect that.

I was frustrated because I could find a lot of sites for men on how to live a “gentlemanly” life, (My favorite is Gentleman’s Gazette. It has aspects women can enjoy as well.) but i couldn’t find many for women that weren’t flaunting wealth (or at least perceived wealth) or people trying to become lifestyle influencers. So I decided to start my own.

What to expect
This site is like an exotic cocktail: part DIY lessons, part bargain hunter’s paradise, part advice column and a dash of self-help thrown in for good measure. I’ll post whenever I can and hopefully over time, will develop a treasure trove of posts and videos to help others elevate their lifestyle without emptying their bank account.

Looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned and going on this new journey with you!

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