Been Searching for You Audio Book Now Available

Bean Searching for You AudiobookSo excited to tell you that the audio book of Been Searching for You is now available on Amazon and Audible. (iTunes tends to take about six months to approve them, so when it’s available there, I’ll add the icon to the book’s page.)

I LOVE this audio book. I mean, the Guinevere ones are great, but Ashley Clements did a phenomenal job in her narration. Her reading makes the book even better. I mean, when I listen to it, I feel like Nora Roberts. And there are so many places where I feel like she pulled the tone and voices straight from my head, so you get to hear it exactly as I intended it.

And one more plug for Ashley: if you haven’t seen The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, go to Youtube or Amazon now. You will laugh until you cry. And keep an eye out for her in both Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party and the romantic comedy Non-Transferable coming in the near future.